Data Structures in Java: Top 100 Programming Questions and Solutions

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de for those preparing for programming interviews, focusing on the critical role of data structures in computer science and the real interview questions posed by top tech companies. With a foundation built on a deep understanding of various data structures, including arrays, strings, hash maps, linked lists, and binary trees, the book meticulously covers the algorithmic and time complexity aspects of each. What sets this book apart is its compilation of genuine interview questions gathered over a decade, accompanied by expertly crafted solutions in Java. These questions range from fundamental to advanced levels, reflecting the diversity and complexity of challenges encountered in interviews with leading tech firms. Through step-by-step explanations and working Java code, the book not only enhances readers' problem-solving skills but also prepares them to tackle technical interviews with confidence. It bridges the gap between academic knowledge and its application in real-world scenarios, making it an invaluable resource for job seekers aspiring to excel in the competitive landscape of software development and secure their dream job at top tech companies.
Independently Published